
When Should Parents Let Children Advocate For Their Own Health Care?

“Tell me what’s happening, sweetie,” the pediatric rheumatologist instructed my 10-year-old daughter Isa. Her pen was in hand, ready to take notes. “My fingers swelled up after I hit my head and got a concussion. It hurts to open and close my hand,” she replied, nervous, sandwiched in between the doctor and me. “She’s been—”

When Should Parents Let Children Advocate For Their Own Health Care? Read More »

Stories Come First

“I want to go back to school,” I said to my husband. He gave me a side glance. I wasn’t sure if he was thinking, Really? You already have a law degree. Or, You think that’s a good idea after spending the last six years learning how to read, write, and walk again? I understood his concern. I

Stories Come First Read More »

My Mami and Abuela Have Been Teaching Me to Accessorize the Latinx Way For the Last 30 Years

When people ask me about mi familia, many emotions pop up, but the images that come to mind are always full of colors and jewelry from Colombia. We were very cultural regarding food, music, and attire. I started looking enviously at my mami and abuela’s shiny, beautiful gold jewelry at a very young age. Right

My Mami and Abuela Have Been Teaching Me to Accessorize the Latinx Way For the Last 30 Years Read More »